DeQuincy Dept. Heads were reappointed for 2024

By Evalin Hester

At the Monday, Jan. 8, DeQuincy City Council meeting, Mayor Riley Smith spoke of how nice it has been during the past year working with the Council. He is pleased to work together as a group instead of working against each other, and he is looking forward to another great year. They will be working together to bring growth, industry, retail and housing in 2024 to our city.

Mayor Smith asked each council member to drive their district and choose the five worst streets and sidewalks in their district to be overlay-ed. They will get a quote and work it into the budget. A public works truck was ordered and the city has received the truck.

Hank Frazier spoke about Mr. W. F. Berry, a city employee of the gas department for several years. Berry retired from the city and passed away a few weeks ago and he will be missed. Ms. Berry presented the gas department with several maps of the gas lines in the city. The maps are in mint condition. Frazier said he will take good care of them and he can’t express how important these maps are to the gas department and he wants to thank Ms. Berry for such a wonderful gift. The city will take good care of them.

Vance Perkins asked if the city would consider bringing Pine St. back to life. He asked if they would look into the Hammond Hotel building, buying it and making it the town’s city hall. Also, if they woudl do a cost analysis on the building. Maybe the city could bring a spark back to Pine St. The Council and the Mayor said they will look into it.

T’s Place was denied a variance for a 2024 liquor permit because of the distance between the cafe and the church.

An ordinance was introduce and a public hearing for Feb. 12, regarding adding policy and procedures for DeQuincy Airport. The council voted to proceed to the final step of condemnation on the structure located at 120 Maple St.

Mayor Smith re-appointed the department heads for the year of 2024. They will remain the same as in 2023.
