By Evalin Hester
DeQuincy City Council was called to order on Monday, Nov. 14, by Denise Maddox, President of Council. Invocation and pledge were led by Mayor Riley Smith and Ronda Jacobs with roll call by Pat Brummett, City Council Clerk.
The Council voted to accept the bid from E. B. Feucht & Sons, LLC for the Douglas Road Pump Station Rehabilitation project.
Darwin Pinder was re-appointed to serve another three year term on the board of the West Calcasieu Parish Community Center Authority.
A resolution was adopted authorizing Mayor Smith to sign documents pertaining to the 2022/2023 LGAP grant. With this grant, the city will be able to purchase new computers and a monitor. It will pay 100%.
An ordinance was introduced and a public hearing was set for Dec. 12, 2022 regarding amending our personnel policy ordinance. Mayor Smith said this was to add a couple of things and nothing would be taken away. The Council voted to move forward.
Several residential locations were discussed to give extentions so owners will have enough time to bring their residents up to code. People are struggling and having a hard time. Things seem to move at a slower pace getting work done because everyone is booked up. The council will revist all the locations on June 12, 2023.
An ordinance was introduced to amend the general zoning ordinance to set out a minimum lot size for city lots, a minimum dwelling size and number of dwellings allowed per lot, was tabled until later.
City Reports
Mayor Smith, stated that on Wednesday, Nov. 30, at 1 p.m. at the DeQuincy Pocket Park, there will be a dedication to Harry T. Methvin. Afterwards cake and punch will be served at city hall. Also at 3 p.m., the holiday train will be in town.
This was Mary Jo Bayles last council meeting and the Mayor thanked her for her 15 years of dedication of work to the city and the airport. Job well done, she will be missed.