By Jerry Bell, Chamber President
Chamber President Jerry Bell called the Thursday, May 12 meeting to order at 12 p.m. Bro. Anthony Kennon gave the opening prayer followed by Major Jerry Bell giving the Pledge of Allegiance. Then a wonderful meal was provided by Bro. and Mrs. Anthony Kennon. A motion to dismiss the reading of the minutes was made and passed followed by a financial report given by Chamber Manager Lillian Karr.
Sherrie Perkins was introduced and given thanks for all the work that she and her crew did on the Chrismas card signs. She stated that there was more work to be done because many of the signs were in bad shape. It was estimated that the cost of fixing all the signs is to be around $1500. Sabrina Salling, from CLECO, stated that CLECO would donate $500 and she received a round of applause.
A committee was formed to try to obtain additional funding. If you really enjoy the Christmas signs and want to donate, please contact Mrs. Karr at the Chamber office. It will really be appreciated.
Roger Marcantel, our police juryman, gave a report on his support for the Hwy. 27 project. Marcantel further stated that the parish was in great shape and that his district covered two thirds of the parish, mostly rural. He also stated that he got along with the other jury persons and that they worked great together.
Chamber Manager Lillian Karr briefed the Chamber on the letter that was sent to the DOTD and stated that this was just the beginning to let DOTD know about the highway. Karr stated that she had mailed out numerous petitions to our churches for our citizens to sign to support this project.
A petition is available for signatures at the Chamber office during regular business hours or at the DeQuincy News Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m until 12 noon. Deadline for signatures is Friday, June 10.
All the members were reminded that there was a ribbon cutting ceremony for Steadham Flooring at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 14, and requested that our members attend if they could. Mrs. Karr then advised the Chamber that our next meeting would not be until September 2022.
Chamber President Bell then asked all if there was anyone who wanted to speak for the good of the order. Being none, the Chamber meeting was closed.