By Evalin Hester
The first regular monthly meeting of the DeQuincy City Council was held Monday, Jan. 11, 2021 for the new year.
The Dec. 14, regular meeting minutes, Dec. 29, special meeting minutes, and the Jan. 11, agenda were approved by the Council.
An Ordinance and a public hearing regarding the abandonment of an alley in Herford Addition No. 2 has been tabled for 90 days, The Council could possibly hold a meeting on or before Feb. 8.
The following two Ordinances were approved:
The Council voted and agreed upon a Public hearing and adoption of an ordinance amending our alcoholic beverage ordinance to allow for the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sunday.
Public hearing and adoption of an ordinance amending their personnel policy ordinance to allow employees to be paid for any unused vacation time, at his/her regular rate of pay.
The Council authorized Mayor Riley Smith to advertise and receive Statement of Qualifications for Engineering and Architectural services for the DeQuincy Industrial Airport.
Mayor Smith/City Reports:
The insurance company will resume their reassessment of city property and all FEMA reports are going good. The Yoakum St. project is almost completed. The project on Chavis Square will be starting soon.
Hank Frazier/Sewer Report:
The Sewer department has cleaned sewer lines on West Park Loop, and West Park Drive. The debris on the east end of Allen St. has been cleaned and the ditches have been dug. Sewer lines on N. Perkins St. were cleaned out. The Sewer department also changed the motor contactor on west side of lift station.
Eddy Dahlquist/Public Works:
Pothole patching will resume when weather allows. One fourth of the yard (city barn) has been cleaned waiting for debris to be picked up. They are still working on debris pickup around town.
Chief Casey Whitehead/Police Department:
Chief Whitehead reported for the month of December that they collected $15,583 in fines and bonds. There were also 261 complaints, eight arrests, 67 violations, and 63 warnings. Calls for service are listed here by district: Dist. 1, 57; Dist. 2, 47; Dist. 3, 55; Dist. 4, 51; CPSO, 45. They patroled 4465 miles.