December 9, 2024
DeQuincy, LA
THE CITY council of the city of DeQuincy met in regular session on the above date in the city hall council chambers located at 300 Holly Street, DeQuincy, Louisiana, with the following members present: Scott Wylie, Jim Smith, Bobby Dahlquist, Cameron Smith, and Margaret Brown.
Council Member Bobby Dahlquist called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Mayor Smith gave the invocation, and Scott Wylie led the pledge of allegiance.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smith to approve the November 11, 2024, regular meeting minutes. Without objection, the motion was carried.
The financial report was in the file. As of November 30, 2024, the overall total revenue, actual year to date is $927,737.55 with the FYE 9/30/2025 budget being $4,752,200.00 and a remaining budget of $3,824,462.45. The total expenses, as of November 2024, actual year-to-date total is $901,283.72 with the FYE 9/30/2025 budget total expenses being $8,466,420.00 and the remaining budget of $7,565,136.28.
Fire, Police, Code Enforcement, Public Works, Sewer and Maintenance reports were in council files. There were no questions or comments from the council.
City Report
Tree lighting, fireworks display, Farmers Market and parade were held and well attended. Thanked all that helped make the event and those that attended.
? December 11- Holiday Train will be here, please come out and help in this event
? Introduced Lori Wilfer, the new accountant
? Spoke about the sewer rate study that was conducted in order to receive a grant
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Margaret Brown approving the December 9, 2024 agenda. Without objection motion carried.
Public Input
Items not on the agenda:
Items on the agenda:
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Margaret Brown to nominate Eddy Dahlquist as council chairman. All approved.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Cameron Smith to nominate Margaret Brown as council vice-chairman. All approved.
Lee Hoffoss addressed the council about the upcoming election.
A motion was made by Cameron Smith and seconded by Jim Smith to approve the 2025 liquor permits. There are several that have not turned in the application at this time. The council did approve that if they turned in the application before the deadline of December 31, 2024, the City clerk could issue the 2025 license. All approved
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Scott Wylie to give Mayor Smith the authority to send out for RFP for Debris Removal and site management and Debris Monitoring for disasters.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smith to give Mayor Smith the authority to send out RFP Professional for Grant Management and Project Management.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Cameron Smith to approve a 6-month extension of variance for Martha Gross’s family member to live in a travel trailer on the property she owns at 722 Beech Street. Without objection motion carried.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smith to approve a 12-month extension of a
variance for Shelly Gaspard to live in a travel trailer on the property she owns at 732 Beech Street while
her home is built on the property. Without objection motion carried.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Cameron Smith to not approve the variances for Adam
Perkins to live in a travel trailer on property he owns at 506 Beech Street.
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Scott Wylie to proceed to the final step of condemnation on the structure located at 103 Grand Ave. Without objection motion carried.
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Scott Wylie to postpone the to the final step of condemnation on the structure located at 207 Jackson Street for 6 months. If significant improvements have not been made after the 4 months, the final step will be completed. Without objection motion carried
A public hearing was held regarding the adoption of ordinance #978 amending to update the City of DeQuincy handbook. There was no public comment, hearing closed.
A motion was made by Cameron Smith and seconded by Margaret Brown to adopt Ordinance # 978, to update the City of DeQuincy handbook. Without objection motion carried.
A public hearing was held regarding the adoption of ordinance #979, to remove Sec 10-45 Fees for pickup. There was no public comment, hearing closed.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Margaret Brown to adopt Ordinance # 979, to amend Article III GARBAGE AND TRASH, to remove Sec 10-45 Fees for pickup. Without objection motion carried.
A public hearing was held regarding the adoption of ordinance # 980, to add late fees on all City utilities Vance Perkins expressed his concerns about these fees. The mayor and council explained to comply with audit regulations we must charge all our utilities the late fees. No other public comment, hearing closed.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Scott Wylie to adopt Ordinance # 980, to add late fees on all City utilities. Without objection motion carried.
A public hearing was held regarding the adoption of ordinance #981 to purchase property on LeBlanc Street. There was no public comment, hearing closed.
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Cameron Smith to adopt Ordinance # 981, to purchase property on LeBlanc Street. Without objection motion carried.
A public hearing was held regarding the adoption of ordinance # 982 amending Chapter 1-GENERAL PROVISIONS, Sec 1-8 General penalty. There was no public comment, hearing closed.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Margaret Brown to adopt Ordinance # 982, amending Chapter 1-GENERAL PROVISIONS, Sec 1-8 General penalty. Without objection motion carried.
A public hearing was held regarding the adoption of ordinance #983 approving the land lease for DeQuincy Airpark. There was no public comment, hearing closed.
A public hearing was held regarding the adoption of ordinance # 983, approving the land lease for DeQuincy Airpark. There was no public comment, hearing closed.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smith to adopt Ordinance # 983, approving the land lease for DeQuincy Airpark. Without objection motion carried.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smith to Introduce Ordinance # 984 and set a public hearing for January 13,2025 to adjust sewer rates as suggested by the rate study. Without objection motion carried.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Scott Wylie to Introduce Ordinance # 985 and set a public hearing for January 13,2025 to adjust the 4% rate increase on all utilities/fees charged to be assessed on October 1 of each year, beginning October 1, 2025 and all utilities must be turned on in the same name as the occupant. Without objection motion carried.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smith to authorize Mayor Smith to sign any documents necessary to approve the appointment of Diana DeLoach to serve as Commissioner of the Housing Authority for the remainder of the term ending April 8, 2029.
There being no further business, Scott Wylie made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Margaret Brown and carried.
/s/Sherri Breaux
City Council Clerk
/s/Riley Smith
/s/Bobby Dahlquist
Run: December 18, 2024 (D-6)