Cooper selected for All-State Choir; Royer, Williams named to Treble Choir

LMEA stands for Louisiana Music Educators’ Association. It is an affiliate of the National Association for Music Education.

Annually, there is a two-round audition process that includes singing:

  1. A state-selected piece of 8-part choral music.
  2. Two scales
  3. A sight-reading exercise

The first round of auditions happens in each of the 9 districts. We are part of District V. Our first-round auditions were in September. The top five students from each district in Louisiana are chosen to compete in the second round of auditions. These 45 students compete for the All-State Choir positions. The choirs were announced on Monday, Oct. 14.

The Mixed Choir consists of 20 voices from each voice part (S1, S2, A1, A2, T1, T2, B1, B2).

In addition to this choir, a Treble Choir (girls’ voices) was selected (S1, S2, A1, A2) that also performs at this convention. The choir concerts conclude the Louisiana Music Teachers’ Convention in New Orleans in January.

The event will be held at the Hilton Riverwalk Convention Center in NOLA.

Selected students will learn a challenging concert repertoire of 6 pieces. They will be rehearsing as a group with nationally acclaimed choral conductors and receive the opportunity to study at a much-accelerated pace. Colleges seek All-State members to participate in their choral programs after high school graduation. This often leads to scholarship opportunities for students.

Judah Cooper was the only Bass selected from our entire district to participate in the All-State Choir. This is his second year to have choir in school and his second year to be selected in the All-State Mixed Choir.

Aubrynn Royer, Alto/Sophomore, and Ella Williams, Soprano/Junior, were named to the LMEA Treble Choir from DHS.

Carie Barnes is the director at both DeQuincy Middle and DeQuincy High Schools. Barnes has begun building a choral music program of the highest quality. She worked after hours to prepare these students for these amazing opportunities.
