
September 9, 2024
DeQuincy, LA
THE CITY council of the city of DeQuincy met in regular session on the above date in the city hall council chambers located at 300 Holly Street, DeQuincy, Louisiana, with the following members present: Scott Wylie, Jim Smith, Bobby Dahlquist, Cameron Smith, and Margaret Brown.
Council Member Bobby Dahlquist called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Mayor Smith gave the invocation, and Scott Wylie led the pledge of allegiance.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Scott Wylie to approve the August 12, 2024, regular meeting minutes. Without objection, the motion was carried.
The financial report was in the file. As of August 31, 2024, the overall total revenue, actual year to date is $6,056,743.19 with the FYE 9/30/2024 budget being $4,585,200.00 and a remaining budget of $(1,471,543.19). The total expenses, as of August 2024, actual year-to-date total is $5,284,293.02 with the FYE 9/30/2024 budget total expenses being $8,568,520.00 and the remaining budget of $3,284,226.98.
Fire, Police, Code Enforcement, Public Works, Sewer and Maintenance reports were in council files. There were no questions or comments from the council.
City Report
? Two of the remaining police cars are listed on govdeal for auction
? Fly In VS Cruise In will be held September 28, at the DeQuincy Airport
? Nine DeQuincy Firefighters received certifications
? First responders were honored on September 8. Thanked everyone that was able to attend
? Hurricane preparedness meeting was held. Sandbags will be available. We cannot put traps on private property.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie to amend the agenda to add Ordinance 976. A seconded was made by Jim Smith approving the amended September 9, 2024 agenda. Without objection motion carried.
Public Input
Items not on the agenda:
Items on the agenda:
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Cameron Smith approving a 30-month variance for DeQuincy High School to allow them to place a temporary building on their property at 207 N Overton Street which does not meet the setback requirements. Without objection, the motion carried.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Margaret Brown approving the variance for Jerilyn Semien
to allow her to place a 2024, 28 x 76 mobile home to put on her property at 1105 Banneker Street.
Without objection, the motion carried.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smith to adopt a resolution authorizing Mayor Smith to extend agreement with CROWDERGULF, Disaster Recovery and Debris Management for emergency debris removal for the City of DeQuincy until November 30, 2024. Without objection motion carried.
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Cameron Smith to Introduce Ordinance # 971 and set a public hearing for October 14, 2024 to change title of Chapter 18, Streets and Sidewalks. Without objection motion carried.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smith to Introduce Ordinance # 972 and set a public hearing for October 14, 2024 to amend Chapter 5- Buildings, Sec 5-15, and 5-17. Without objection motion carried. A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Cameron Smith to Introduce Ordinance # 973 and set a public hearing for October 14, 2024 to amend Chapter 21- General Zoning, Rules and regulations for mobile homes to be located within the City of DeQuincy. Without objection motion carried. A motion was made by Cameron Smith and seconded by Jim Smith to Introduce Ordinance # 974 and set a public hearing for October 14, 2024 to amend Chapter 18-Article II Excavations. Without objection motion carried. A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Cameron Smith to Introduce Ordinance # 975 and set a public hearing for October 14, 2024 to add Article IV to Chapter 18- Drainage, Ditches and Canals. Without objection motion carried. A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Margaret Brown to Introduce Ordinance # 887 and set a public hearing for October 14, 2024 to amend Chapter 5- Buildings, Article 1, Section 5-13 Fees, j) Culvert permit. Without objection motion carried. A public hearing for Ordinance # 969, to charge surcharge to all debit card transaction done with the City of DeQuincy, was held. Vance Perkins registered opposition of the charges. No other input, hearing closed. A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Scott Wylie to adopt Ordinance # Ordinance # 969, to charge surcharge to all debit card transaction done with the City of DeQuincy.Without objection motion carried. A Public Hearing for Ordinance # 970, to renew contract with Waste Management, was held. No
Public input. Hearing closed.
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Cameron Smith to adopt Ordinance # 970, to renew contract with Waste Management.Without objection motion carried.
A Public Hearing for Ordinance # 953B, amending the FYE 9/30/24 budget, was held. No Public input. Hearing closed.
A motion was made by Cameron Smith and seconded by Margaret Brown to adopt Ordinance # 953B amending the FYE 9/30/24 budget. Without objection motion carried.
A Public Hearing for Ordinance # 604 amending Article II- Dangerous Structures. Sec 5-29-35 was postponed until October 14, 2024.Motion made by Jim Smith and seconded by Scott Wylie. Without objection, the hearing was postponed.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Margaret Brown to begin the condemnation process on the structure located at 313 Green Street. Without objection motion carried.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Cameron Smith to postpone proceeding to the next step of the condemnation process on the structure located at 802 Smith Street. City Attorney will reach out to homeowner. Without objection motion carried.
A motion was made by Cameron Smith and seconded by Scott Wylie to postpone proceeding to the next step of the condemnation process on the structure located at 301 Hall Street. City Attorney will reach out to the homeowner Without objection motion carried.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smith to proceed to the next step of the condemnation process, which is to set a public hearing for Oct 14, 2024, on the structure located at 116 Brantley Street. Without objection motion carried.
There being no further business, Margaret Brown made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Cameron Smith and carried.
/s/Sherri Breaux
City Council Clerk
/s/Riley Smith
/s/Bobby Dahlquist
Run: Sept. 25, 2024 (S-3)
