At the 12 noon meeting on Thursday, Jan. 11, President Jerry Bell called the first meeting of the year of the DeQuincy Chamber of Commerce to order.
Brother Anthony Kennon gave the Invocation, then Major Jerry Bell led the Pledge of Allegiance. Then a wonderful meal was provided by Jay Delouche.
After the meal, the minutes were approved, and the financial report was given. Next was the election of officers. For the year 2024, the following were elected to hold offices in the Chamber: Jay Delouche, President, Kim Rainwater, Vice-President, and Sherri Breaux, Treasurer.
Under old business, Chamber Manager Lillian Karr reported on all the Christmas activities and broke down the expenditures. Kim Rainwater was recognized for her part in obtaining the fireworks this past year. Mrs. Karr said that it was one of the best.
A guest was recognized, Jennifer Quave, from the Freedom Behavioral Unit at the DeQuincy Memorial Hospital. She gave a wonderful presentation regarding the many services that this unit provides for DeQuincy. Quave was thanked for the presentation.
Under new business, the Chamber Banquet was set for Thursday, Feb. 29, to be held at the T. D. Cardwell Center at the First United Pentecostal Church of DeQuincy. Once again, Riley Smith & Sons Funeral Home and Rebecca Smith, will do the catering for the Chamber.
A discussion was then held on the Nominations for the Civic Service Award. It was noted that the person nominated must be a resident of DeQuincy and must not receive any compensation for their service and must have done service to benefit DeQuincy.
The Chamber voted to consider Mr. Johnny Bishop – retired dentist, who now travels to foreign countries doing dental work at no charge for our Distinguished Person of the year. All must purchase tickets to attend the banquet. The tickets are $30. A person who nominates another must furnish that person with a ticket.
President Jerry Bell appointed a committee of three to bring forth a business for the Business of the Year award, and then the Chamber will vote on that recommendation. There were several businesses discussed from the floor.
President Bell, who has been the Chamber President for several years, stated that he enjoyed working with the Chamber, wished the new President good luck, and said it was time for new leadership. Bell wished the Chamber success in the new year, and then adjourned the meeting with all in good accord.