
The city council of the city of DeQuincy met in regular session on the above date in the city hall council chambers located at 300 Holly Street, DeQuincy, Louisiana, with the following members present: Cameron Smith, Margaret Brown Eddy Dahlquist, Jim Smith, and Scott Wylie. Absent: None.
Council Member Eddy Dahlquist called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Mayor Smith gave the invocation, and Scott Wylie led the pledge of allegiance.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Margaret Brown to approve the June 12, 2023 regular meeting minutes. Without objection, the motion was carried.
Valecia Royer read the financial report. As of June 30, 2023, the overall total revenue, actual year to date is $4,637,768.29 with the FYE 9/30/2023 budget being $6,527,710.00 and a remaining budget of $1,889,941.71 The total expenses, as of June 2023, actual year to date total is $4,085,214.65 with the FYE 9/30/2023 budget total expenses being $8,672,570.00, and the remaining budget of $4,587,355.35 There were no questions or comments from the council.
The fire report from Fire Chief Johnny Copeland was in the council’s file. There were 12 calls for June 2023 while 2 were canceled. There were no comments or questions from the council.
The police report from Chief Roy Williams was in the council’s file. There were 16 arrests, 224 complaints filed, and 115 violations. The fines and bonds collected for the month of June totaled approximately $34,893.47. There were 64 calls for service in District 1, 41 in District 2, 55 in District 3 and 50 in District 4. There were no comments or questions from the council.
The code enforcement report from Mr. Carroll was in the council’s file. There were no questions or comments from the council.
The public works report from Hank Frazier, for the street department, gas department and sewer department were in the council’s file. It was as shown below and there were no questions or comments from the council.
? Installed new gas service at 958 H. Robertson Road
? Installed new gas line Hwy 389
? Repaired gas leak Hargrove Loop
? Installed gas line markers on Hwy 389
? Installed culverts on Chavis Square
? Installed culvert on McNeese Street
? Installed culvert on Beech Street
? Cleaned yard on Center Street
? Installed 2 culverts at the walking path
? Killed sewer service at 501 West Fourth Street
? Repaired sewer line at 809 East Fourth Street
? Cleaned sewer line at 517 Center Street
? Cleaned sewer main at McNeese Street lift station
? Changed flush values at Police Station
Mayor Smith gave the city report.
? There is new Dental and Vision insurance for the City Employees effective July 1, 2023
? Second Harvest Food Mobile Market will be held Saturday July 15,2023 at the Museum grounds.
? TPC will participate in National Serve Day and will help out with some projects throughout the city on July 15,2023.
? Louisiana Municipality Association conference will be held on August 3-5, 2023 and some of the council and employees will attend.
? Hayes Street Drainage project will begin soon.
? One of the Officers at the police department was injured while on duty.
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Cameron Smith to approve the July 10, 2023 agenda. Without objection motion carried.
Public Input
Items not on the agenda:
Woody Daigle, representative of John Kennedy’s office said he was reaching out to rural areas to see what help is needed or a wish list. He said to reach out to him with a list and he will get the forms to the council. Mayor thanked Woody for always being a friend to DeQuincy.
Items on the agenda:
Vance Perkins spoke about the budget and the adopting of the ordinance giving the mayor approval to enter into contracts without council approval. All questions were answered by the mayor and city clerk.
David Jones addressed the council and has been approved for a home to be built on his property at 201 Jefferson Street. Councilwomen Margaret Brown has spoken with the company that will be helping him build the home and he is ready to proceed with the new home.
A motion was made by Cameron Smith and seconded by Jim Smith to approve a variance for Crystal Keel to place a prefabricated home at 316 Smith Street that will be smaller than the square footage allowed in our Ordinance. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Cameron Smith, Margaret Brown, Eddy Dahlquist, Jim Smith, and Scott Wylie. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Scott Wylie to approve a 12 moth of variance for David Jones to live in a travel trailer on his property at 201 Jefferson Street while his home is being built. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Cameron Smith, Margaret Brown, Eddy Dahlquist, Jim Smith, and Scott Wylie. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None
A public hearing was held regarding the condemnation of the structure located at 304 E. Harrison Street.
No input. Hearing closed
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Jim Smith to proceed to the next step of the condemnation process, which is a condemnation hearing, on the structure located at 1001 Richard Allen Street. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Cameron Smith, Margaret Brown, Eddy Dahlquist, Jim Smith, and Scott Wylie. Nays: None: Absent: None. Abstain: None.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smith to proceed to the next step of the condemnation process, which is a condemnation hearing, on the structure located at 120 Maple Street. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Cameron Smith, Margaret Brown, Eddy Dahlquist, Jim Smith, and Scott Wylie. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Cameron Smith to introduce an ordinance and set a public hearing for August 14, 2023 giving approval and to set a level for the mayor to sign and enter into contracts and purchases up to an amount set by this ordinance. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Cameron Smith, Margaret Brown, Eddy Dahlquist, Jim Smith, and Scott Wylie. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: Non
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Scott Wylie to adopt a resolution to sign a contract with Enterprise for a fleet of vehicles for the police and public works department. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Cameron Smith, Margaret Brown, Eddy Dahlquist, Jim Smith, and Scott Wylie. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: Non
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Margaret Brown to adopt a resolution to accept a bid on the Airfield Pavement Sealcoat project. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Cameron Smith, Margaret Brown, Eddy Dahlquist, Jim Smith, and Scott Wylie. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: Non
A public hearing was held regarding the 2023 millage rates. There was no public input. Hearing closed.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Cameron Smith to adopt an resolution regarding the 2023 millage rates. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Cameron Smith, Margaret Brown, Eddy Dahlquist, Jim Smith, and Scott Wylie. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.
A public hearing was held regarding the proposed budget of expenditures for the FYE 9/30/24.
Vance Perkins asked if the City of DeQuincy is in good shape? Is there a rainy-day fund for emergencies? Is the City operating in red or black? Mayor Smith stated the City of DeQuincy is in good shape and Vance can stop by anytime and look at the records and speak to him anytime about the budget and balances.
No other public input. Hearing closed.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Margaret Brown to adopt an ordinance approving the FYE 9/30/24 budget. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Cameron Smith, Margaret Brown, Eddy Dahlquist, Jim Smith, and Scott Wylie. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.
Margaret Brown made a motion to adjourn, and Cameron Smith seconded the motion.
/s/Sherri Breaux
City Council Clerk
/s/Riley Smith
/s/Eddy Dahlquist
Run: Aug. 16,2023 (Au-4)
