Millicint Coleman’s house, located at 111 Lake Charles Ave., is over 100 years old and has been a home since 1923.
Records state that on May 21, 1892, the house was owned by Calcasieu Vernon & Shreveport Railway Co. bought from Henry Beer and Bertrand Beer.
Charles and Della Willrich bought the house on Apr. 25, 1923 for $1,600. The Willrichs died in 1943 and 1951 respectively. The home was owned by their heirs until 1971.
The home has had two other owners until James and Millicint Coleman bought the home in 1985 for $13,500. James died in 2017 leaving Millicint the sole owner.
The house was constructed out of heart pine from old growth trees that were 200-300 years old. These trees of heart wood were extremely dense and made timbers heavy and long-lasting with a natural resistance to disease and insects.
The house was built in a one level Victorian style with a slate roof. The original slate roof remained until 2005.
The house has survived five hurricanes: Audrey 1957, Andrew 1992, Rita 2005, Laura 2020 and Delta 2020.