Riley, Rebecca Smith named 2023 Civic Service Award winners

The DeQuincy Chamber of Commerce named the 2023 Civic Service Award winner at the annual banquet on Thursday, Mar. 9. The recipients are Riley and Rebecca Smith. They were nominated by Bro. Carlie Jackson and First United Pentecostal Church.

Here is the nomination letter:

Dear DeQuincy Chamber of Commerce:

The First United Pentecostal Church of DeQuincy would like to nominate Riley and Rebecca Smith as citizens of the year for 2023 for the following reasons:

First, in recent history, we know of no one that has done so much good for DeQµincy than Riley and Rebecca Smith. They both have truly been a blessing to our community in more ways than anyone could write about in one letter.

Second, they have contributed so much philanthropic funding to our city whereby it be in keeping our Chamber afloat by financing the last several Chamber of Commerce banquets. By doing this alone, this has allowed our Chamber to give out scholarships and other awards.

Riley Smith, as our mayor, has led us through two hurricanes, an ice storm, and a pandemic. Some say he was paid to do this, not so, he did not take a salary for the whole four years so all his extra 24/7 service that he and Rebecca did can be written about.

Riley and Rebecca used their own vehicles to help our city. They hauled food to the poor, Riley slept at the Police station, patrolled the streets, and was there to make all decisions for the safety of our people.

He was there when Charlie Thompson was lost in inclement weather. Riley never gave up! He and Rebecca’s children also greatly contributed during the hurricanes.

Never in our history have we had a team that has done so much for our veterans, they gave funding to the Veteran’s Park, Allowed the American Legion to host their meeting at the Funeral Home and provided refreshments. They were responsible for moving the monument from the Railroad Museum to the Veteran’s Park; they cooked numerous meals for our seniors and veterans, allowed the Temple Baptist Church to use their Chapel when Temple was down because of the hurricanes.

This couple has helped so many people through his business. They were there for Harry Methvin’s family all the way. Riley has helped so many of our citizens that we cannot mention all of them.

He has wholeheartedly supported all the various clubs’ activities to include the DeQuincy Federated Service League, the Rotary Club, the American Legion, and more. Riley and Rebecca have truly blessed DeQµincy with their gifts to all and have always shown a genuine love for DeQµincy. Each year, at their cost, they have treated all the city employees to a wonderful meal.

They have truly given back to our community and never sought any recognition. So these are a few of the reasons the FUPC DeQµincy desires to nominate Riley and Rebecca for Citizen of the Year. Thank you so much for considering them.

To God be the Glory.

/s/ Carlie Jackson
