By Sissy Borel
National President of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Jane Reape will be visiting Starks on Sunday through Tuesday, Mar. 12-14. Reape was elected National President at the 109th National Convention held in Kansas City, Mo. in July, 2022. She is a Life Member of Dionne-Rumble Auxiliary 7227 in Carthage, New York.
She will be here to visit with Louisiana President, Mary Johnson and all members of Auxiliary and VFW. She will arrive at the Lake Charles Regional Airport at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, be escorted through the Isle of Honor, then go out to Nibletts Bluff Park in Vinton, to place a wreath on a Confederate grave and be treated to a dinner prepared by Vance Perkins and the LeChien Cookers at the park.
On Monday, there will be a panel of students from Starks High School who will answer questions from Madame President and ask her questions, at 11 a.m. Afterwards all in attendance will be treated to a light lunch. At 5 p.m. there will be a social hour to visit with Madame President, followed by dinner buffet to all in attendance. We will see her off at the Lake Charles Regional Airport as she continues her visits to all states in the United States.