By Evalin Hester
The DeQuincy City Council met at City Hall on Monday, Feb. 13. The Council covered a multitude of business during the monthly meeting.
Eddy Dahlquist Council President opened the meeting. Sherri Breaux sat in as Council Secretary for Pat Brummett who will be retiring in May. Breaux did a great job.
Mayor Riley Smith, Eddy Dahlquist, Margaret Skinner-Brown, Sherri Breaux and Kim Rainwater attended the LMA. Mayor Smith said it was a good meeting with lots of good workshops and met a lot of new people. The DeQuincy Railroad Ruseum has received some work on the windows. The City is constantly working with FEMA weekly concerning the museum.
Two Ordinances were passed by the City Council. They are as follows:
•The changing of council meeting time from 6 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
•To set the fees for public records request.
One Resolution was adopted informing the Louisiana Dept. of Environmental Quality that the city will continue maintaining our wastewater treatment plant and continue required analytical analysis in accordance with the current LDEQ permit, including monthly monitoring of influent CBOD.
The Council authorized Mayor Smith to sign the First Amendment to Option Site Ground Lease Agreement and First Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement with Branch Towers III, LLC.
The Council authorized to ratify the signature of Mayor Smith on the Professional Services Agreement with Meyer & Associates for engineering services for the City of DeQuincy.
The Council approved the City of DeQuincy Utilities Language Access Plan.