On Thursday, Nov. 3, the Rotary Club of DeQuincy sponsored an event honoring local veterans at the Oak St. Recreation Center. Over 90 senior citizens and veterans attended the event.
DQPD Officer Randy Henry blessed the food. Doug DeViney lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Jeffra DeViney welcomed everyone. The attendees were provided a wonderful lunch by the Riley Smith and Sons Funeral Home.
Major Bell thanked everyone for coming. Bell stated that when asked if he would like to speak on behalf of the veterans, he thought that it was like asking a mouse if he wanted another piece of cheese.
Bell agreed to speak and gave a short talk about the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day – Veterans Day honors the living veterans with us and Memorial Day honors those who died in service. He explained that a veteran is one who has served in the US Armed Forces. Bell stated that to him and many others, a veteran is someone who wrote a blank check made payable to the United States of America for an amount up to and including their life. According to Bell, our freedom today is due to the sacrifices made by our veterans.
Bell stated that although everyone attending was important, there were several distinguished guests who needed to be recognized. They were Judge Guy Bradberry, Representative Dewith Carrier, City Council ladies Ronda Jacobs and Margaret Brown, and Chamber Manager Lillian Karr. Mrs. Pauline Gore was also recognized for her service to our schools.
However, to Bell, the most important guest was a Marine named Alan Landry who served in WWII. Landry stood up and stated that we are free today because of those who did not come back. He was thanked for his service. Bell stated that American babies born fifty years from now will be free because of all the veterans and men like Landry who fought for America.
Veterans and senior citizens were all treated to numerous Bingo games. Several DeQuincy authors donated books as prizes. CPSO Lt. John Dugas and Officer Randy Henry called out the Bingo numbers. CLECO and Wise Ideas Printing & Promotions provided door prizes. Everyone attending had a great time. Ward 6 Rec. Board is thanked for all their hard work in making it a very successful event.