By Jerry Bell, Combat Veteran
Around 3 p.m. on Monday, May 30, several DeQuincy citizens gathered at the DeQuincy Veteran’s Memorial Park to participate in a ceremony to honor and remember the sacrifices made by many of our DeQuincy citizens. Bro. Harry Methvin welcomed all and reminded them of the reason why we are here to honor our fallen.
Major Jerry Bell, American Legion Post 183 Commander offered up a prayer in honor and memory of our people that paid the supreme sacrifice for our nation. Commander Bell then led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bro. Methvin then read the names of our DeQuincy servicemen that paid with their lives so that we all could be free. There were three men killed in World War I, 22 men killed in World War II, three men killed in the Korean Conflict, and five of our men were killed in the Vietnam War.
All those names are listed on a memorial at the DeQuincy Railroad Museum that can be read, and parents are encouraged let their children know that their freedoms came at a huge price for many families across the USA.
After the names were read, Bro. Anthony Kennon played Taps to honor our fallen comrades. After Taps, there was a silent reflection. Then everyone was dismissed. Several of the veterans stayed back and discussed making this a bigger event next year. One veteran stated that Memorial Day must be remembered and not let go by the wayside. Further he was worried that many of our children are not told about the sacrifices made on their behalf.
DeQuincy citizens, from World War I to Vietnam and many other conflicts after Vietnam served with pride and well represented our city. Let’s remember our fallen and pray for the families that were impacted.