Squirrel Hunt, Game Cookoff to be held January 29

The 2nd Annual DeQuincy Masonic Lodge #279 Squirrel Hunt and Wild Game Cook-off is set for Saturday, Jan. 29, from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. at the DeQuincy Railroad Museum grounds.

Pre-register at Nichols, DeQuincy Police Station Hargrove Mall or with PayPal dequincylodge279@gmail.com. Registration ends Friday, Jan. 28, at 12 noon.

Three-man team is $50 per adult and $25 per youth – 16 and under/one adult/two youth.

There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Adult and Youth; Largest Squirrel and Most Unique Squirrel.

There will be a free BB Gun Competition for ages 6 to 16. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be awarded in each division.

Two team members with shotgun – one may carry a .22 rifle if they choose. Participants may hunt with or without dogs.

Wild Game Cook-off entry fee is $30. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Taster’s Choice will be awarded.

Booth spaces will be available for $25 each.

The Lodge will also be sponsoring a Hunter Safety Field Day on Saturday, Jan. 15. Follow the link https://louisianaoutdoors.com/events to register.

For pre-registration contact Scott Wylie at 337-387-0764.

For booth spaces, contact Tom Threet at 337-274-3133,

For cook-off, contact James Nash at 337-244-4374.
