By Evalin Hester
Council President, Denise Maddox, called the monthly regular City Council meeting to order on Monday, Aug. 9, at 6 p.m. Invocation and pledge were led by Mayor Riley Smith and Judy Landry.
The regular meeting minutes for July 12, 2021 and the Aug. 9, 2021 Agenda were approved by council.
An ordinance was adopted regarding the proposed budget of expenditures for the FYE 9/30/22.
A Resolution was adopted concerning the adjusted millage rate of 5.630 set by the parish tax assessor.
A Public Hearing regarding a resolution setting forth the adjusted millage rate and roll forward to millage rate not exceeding the maximum authorized rate of 6.020. And a resolution was adopted setting forth the adjusted millage rate and roll forward to millage rate not exceeding the maximum authorized rate of 6.020.
Public Input Not on Agenda
Arnold Blagrave gave his concerns on the Zoning ordinance. The council decided to meet with zoning committee so everyone will be on the same guidelines.
City Reports by Mayor Smith
The City received word of approval from American Rescue Plan of $1.1 million. The city will receive this in two payments. Not sure when the first payment will be received.
Interfor Corp. (the old Georgia Pacific Sawmill) will be contacting the city for their help in finding a place to do a Job Fair in about 2-3 weeks.
New windows have been installed at City Hall in the Council Chambers. A clean up in the bottom part of the Railroad Museum should start soon.
The Vinton Fire Department will be donating some equipment to the DeQuincy Fire Department as soon as the paperwork is complete.
Council Concerns
Judy Landry reported that the ditches are looking good.
Ronda Jacobs’ concern was the walking path. The repairs on the bridges are underway.
Mark Peloquin would like for Johnny Copeland to meet with the Council and Zoning Board. He would also like some input on fire ratings. Mike Suchanek and inmates are doing a great job.
Culverts are being installed on Brantley Street. It will change up intersections making it 10 feet wider. Denise Maddox was also concerned about the break-ins around town. It seems people are not reporting then to the police department. If this is happening to you please report it to the police.
Fire Department
The month of July 2021 was a slow month for the Fire department with only four callouts.
Police Department
The police patrolled 4,567 miles for July 2021. They collected $17,423.95 in Bonds and Fines with 260 complaints, 18 arrests, seven warrants served, 201 violations, 109 warnings. Calls for service are as follows: Dist. 1 – 60, Dist. 2 – 39, Dist. 3 – 50, Dist. 4 – 73, CPSO – 37, BPSO -1.
Sewer Department
The Contractor installed handrails on headworks at the water treatment plant. Other work done included: installed new sewer tap on Yoakum St.; dug up sewer tap on Velmer St. for The Pentecostal Church; dug up and repaired sewer main on Highway 389 and Hayes St. The contractor bored through sewer main.
Public Works
For the month of July, 2021 a new gas line was installed for the octor’s office on Highway 389 and 12. A gas line was dug up to be abandoned in alley for the Pentecostal Church. Two gas services were killed. The crew dug ditches also and inmate crews cut a lot of grass for July and put up a lot of street signs.