(Editors Note–Due to hurricane damage all Flags had to be replaced. Your support is needed now, more than ever, to continue this program.)
The Avenue of Flags has been in existence since as early as 1940 and is one of the most photographed events in American history. Since 1965, the citizens and visitors of DeQuincy have been treated to the sight of Old Glory flying in the wind.
The DeQuincy Avenue of Flags, sponsored by the DeQuincy Garden Club, is renewing flag contracts for the new year. The contract is an agreement between the Garden Club of DeQuincy, Inc., a non -profit 501C-3, and the contributing participant for one year, renewable annually.
With the participation of the city, the DeQuincy Garden Club plans to make sure that the red, white, and blue keeps flying the streets of DeQuincy. In consideration of a fee of $35, the Garden Club agrees to furnish one American Flag on your behalf to be displayed on each of the following days in the business area of DeQuincy: President’s Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Veterans Day.
If you wish to participate in the Avenue of Flags as a business or as an individual, contact Elena DeVito at 337-515-7909 or mail your check to DeQuincy Garden Club, 315 Malone Road, DeQuincy LA 70633.