By Major Jerry Bell, Emergency Manager
There have been many factors which have impeded the ability for debris and emergency work to be completed within the initial six months’ time period ending Feb. 28. Factors include significant power outages, inability to access hard hit areas, extensive need for emergency repairs, and citizens returning to their homes.
After evaluating the information provided in multiple requests for work deadline extensions, GOHSEP has determined that it is in the best interest of those impacted by Hurricanes Laura and Delta that the circumstances warrant a 90 day extension for Category A and Category B work through May 28.
In plain English, please get your debris out to the curb before May 28, and the sooner the better. The biggest factors are, some citizens cannot afford to get their debris pushed out and the other main factor is that the ground is too wet to put heavy machinery in one’s yard.
Also, I am going to instruct our contractors to set aside another date for our citizens to put their white goods out as there are many that need to do this. The ice storm will delay this for a few days but when we get the dates for this, we will put it out on social media and the local newspaper.
DeQuincy has faced numerous disasters and the ice storm did not help any. But we will get the job done.
We are also working on a request for the government to help our citizens to push their debris out. I will let you know as we get further information on this. Please do not get discouraged. We will get the debris picked up if you push it out.