By Evalin Hester
On Monday, Feb. 8, the DeQuincy City Council meeting was called to order by Council President Denise Maddox. Mayor Riley Smith and Daisy Cole led the Invocation and Pledge. Roll call was done by Pat Brummett with all members being present.
The Jan. 11, regular meeting minutes and Feb. 8, Agenda were approved.
Resolutions Adopted
The council adopted the following three Resolutions:
1. A Resolution authorizing the approval of the bid submitted by Infrastructure Consulting and Engineering for Engineering and Architectural Services for the DeQuincy Industrial Airport.
2. A Resolution authorizing the approval and final acceptance of construction for A-1 American Fence, Inc, for the Perimeter Fencing-Phase III Construction project at the DeQuincy Industrial Airpark.
3. Authorized PLLC’s work authorization #7 for providing preliminary and final design phase services for the T-Hangers and Taxi-Lane Project at the DeQuincy Industrial Airpark.
Other Matters
The Council discussed action on the emergency mobile home ordinance regarding temporary mobile homes and trailers. A couple of families are at a stand still regarding the regulations of the ordinance. The council is looking into these matters and will consider fast tracking with no delays, so the families can move ahead with connecting their utilities etc. Adrian Cox will report back on Tuesday after he does a study on procedures.
City Clerk Pat Brummett has been authorized to advertise for bids on a city surplus vehicle: 2011 Ford Crown Victoria, bearing vin #2434 with the minimum bid of $500.
City Report: Mayor Smith announced that the Yoakum Street Project is now complete. Updates at the sewer plant continue. The last day to have your debris and white goods out for pick up will be Mar. 7.
DeQuincy Fire Dept. had 11 call outs for the month of January.
The Sewer Dept. installed a new sewer tap on Boise St., installed new sewer tap on Pugh St., cleaned sewer lines on Anise St. and Shady Lane, and located sewer lines ahead of boring crew that was installing new underground phone lines. Also they worked with contractors on WWTP.
Public Works: Several potholes were patched, three gas services were killed and two new services were installed. Also they helped get debris close to road for residents. Eddy Dahlquist said that the rental equipment has been turned in.
DeQuincy Police Dept: The Police patrolled 5,055 miles during the month of January. They collected $17,924. in fines and bonds. They had 236 complaints, 13 arrests, 10 warrants served, 91 violations, 38 warnings. Calls for Service: Dist. 1 – 68, Dist. 2 – 43, Dist. 3 – 39, Dist. 4 – 44, CPSO – 36.