Chamber of Commerce holds meeting

By Lillian Karr

The DeQuincy Chamber of Commerce met Thursday, Dec. 10, at the Heritage Place Hotel. Hixson-Snider Funeral served as host for the meeting.
Sen. Mike Reese and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pharris were our guests.

Sen. Reese gave the Chamber a very informative talk. He stated he is very happy to serve as our Senator. He said he needs input from the people he serves. He thanked Jerry Bell, Mayor Riley Smith and Lillian Karr for keeping him informed.

Alma Brown is his DeQuincy Assistant and can be reached at the Town Hall Museum. He was shocked about Georgia Pacific closing and continues to talk with them.

He would like to hold a Summit in DeQuincy in early January. We need a plan to move forward to attach new companies. He stated he was in agreement that students need to be in the classroom as internet is not that great in rural areas.

The Unemployment Trust Fund of 1.1 billion dollars is depleted. He thinks Louisiana may get federal money to get us through. Property Tax statements will not be received until 2021, however they can be deducted on tax returns for 2020.

The Senate and House will meet with insurance companies regarding claims for Hurricane Laura and Delta.

Sen. Reese was recognized for being awarded “LegisGator of Year.”

The DeQuincy Chamber extends many thanks to the Heritage Hotel and Dana Pinder for allowing us to hold our meetings there.

All who worked to make our parade and fireworks a success were thanked.

This has been a hard year with the virus and two hurricanes, however the people of DeQuincy are strong and even though we have had much destruction, we will come back. Let’s all continue to work together to make DeQuincy Great!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
