Welcome December! With the first big cold front of the season comes the anticipation of future Christmas festivities.
Residents are decorating their yards and porches as the City of DeQuincy prepares for the “Spirit of the Season” with abbreviated decorations due to the aftermath of Hurricanes Laura/Delta which thwarted the usual decorating of DeQuincy Railroad Museum along with the other usual festive trimmings we are accustomed to enjoying.
DeQuincy City Barn was damaged and decorations destroyed. A large tree will be located downtown and lighted before the DeQuincy Chamber of Commerce Annual Christmas Parade, which will be held Saturday, Dec. 5, at 10 a.m. “A Country Christmas” is this year’s parade theme.
The city work crew is putting up a few decorations at the museum to include some of the Christmas sign boards as well as putting fresh flowers around the pocket park.