Mayor Riley Smith related to DeQuincy News the following statement concerning the state highway construction project on LA 12:
“There have been numerous complaints about the project on Highway 12 to myself, City Council members and City Hall. We understand your grievances and your pain but please know our hands are tied.
“Even though the work is within the city limits, this is a state project which is being handled through Department of Transportation and Development, and not a City project.
“Unfortunately, DOTD is telling us the project is currently on hold until around Mar. 3. There is an issue with the asphalt and DOTD is currently testing the product. In fact, it is our understanding the project may have to be completely redone but we will not know until testing is complete.
“We are sorry for the inconvenience and I assure you if there is anything we could do to expedite the matter, we would be more than willing to do so. You may be assured we will keep you informed with any updates we receive from DOTD.”