The new City Council President Mark Peloquin called the Monday, Jan. 13, regular monthly council meeting to order at 6 p.m. in council chambers at City Hall.
Invocation and Pledge were led by Mayor Riley Smith and Ronda Jacobs. Pat Brummett, City Council Clerk did roll call. Denise Maddox was absent. The approval of the Dec. 9, 2019 regular meeting minutes and Dec. 3, 2019 special meeting minutes, along with the Jan. 13, 2020 agenda were approved by the council.
Two ordinances were introduced. The first was to move forward to sell immovable property, located on Pine Street, to Lake Area Dentistry. The second was to sell property and building, located at 211 N. Pine Street to M & D Development.
Meyer and Associates on behalf of the City of DeQuincy has been authorized to advertise for bids for the Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements. The bids will run in the paper for three weeks.
Mayor Smith was authorized to enter into an agreement with J. Aaron Cooper regarding the audit for the year ending Sept. 30, 2019.
The council adopted a Resolution approving a Social Media policy be added to the City of DeQuincy’s Employee Handbook of Policies and Procedures and to the Police Department Handbook.
Mayor Smith appointed Hank Frazier as Department Head for the Sewage Department. Frazier has been taking care of the Sewage Plant for several years. Mayor Smith stated that Frazier is doing a good job and he is doing a great job in management role. He will attend the council meetings and will give a monthly report of progress for the Sewage Plant. Frazier was welcomed as a Department Head.