City of DeQuincy
300 Holly St.
DeQuincy, LA 70633
Separate sealed Bids for Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements, City of DeQuincy; M.A. Project No. A9-19003-DA will be received by the Mayor and Council, at the DeQuincy City Hall until 3:00 PM, on February 12, 2020, and then at said time and at said office publicly opened and read aloud. Work consists of equipment improvements at the wastewater treatment plant.
Work Classification: Municipal and Public Works Construction
Electronic copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from the office of Meyer & Associates, Inc. (337) 625-8353, located at 600 N. Cities Service Hwy., Sulphur, LA 70663. A Bidding Document deposit is not required. Bidders must obtain an original set of electronic Bidding Documents from the Owner or Engineer in order to submit a Bid.
Run: January 01/15-22-29 (J-2)