By Dawn Spears
Out with the old and in with the new! Such as it goes with the end of one year, goodbye 2019, and the beginning of another, hello 2020!
Here are some suggestions on how to start fresh in the new year:
Treat each day as a chance to do better than the day before!
Encourage others, you may be the only bright spot in someone else’s day!
When the urge to be impatient or quick tempered rises up, count to 10 or say a prayer for whomever is causing you angst because you don’t know the reasons behind some behaviors.
Try smiling, even when you would rather not! It’s contagious!
If everyone who reads this picks one thing to try, what an impact we will make on our lives and the lives of others!
Now just so you know, I will be the one who struggles the most with one or all of these suggestions because I came up with them.
So we will start with the first suggestion every day!!! We are so blessed that God’s mercies are fresh and new each day!
Happy New Year one and all!!