Activities at the DeQuincy Senior Center will be:
Monday, Jan. 6 – 8 a.m., Coffee and Tidbits; 9:30 a.m., Chatting with Chief Casey Whitehead; 10 a.m., Bingo.
Tuesday, Jan. 7 – 8 a.m., Coffee and Tidbits; 10 a.m., Crafting and Games.
January dates to remember:
Wednesdays – Headlines with DeQuincy News at 9 a.m. Join them for breakfast, coffee and a free DeQuincy News.
Thursdays – Breakfast provided by Riley Smith & Sons Funeral Home at 9 a.m. (unless otherwise stated on the calendar.
Jan. 6 – Chatting with DeQuincy Police Chief Casey Whitehead at 9:30 a.m. Chief Whitehead will be on hand to answer questions and concerns from our senior.
Jan. 9 – Coffee with the Mayor at 9 a.m. Mayor Riley Smith will join for coffee.
Jan. 13 – High Hope Care Center will sponsor Bingo at the DeQuincy Senior Center.
Jan. 16 – Medicare Specialist will be here at 9:30 a.m. to discuss Medicare concerns, enrollment, and answer questions. January Lunch and Birthday celebration at 11 a.m. Lunch will be provided by Riley Smith & Sons Funeral Home.
Jan. 20 – Center will be closed for Martin Luther King Holiday!
Jan. 23 – Christus Home Health Bingo at the DeQuincy Senior Center.
Contact the center if you would like to donate Bingo prizes, door prizes, or make a monetary donation!
The Senior Center is inside the JCE Building at 500 S. Grand Ave. For more information, contact Laurie Mueller at the Center at 337-317-8522.