Council discusses grant

By Evalin Hester

The DeQuincy City Council meet in Special Session on Monday, Nov. 25.

The meeting was called to order by Denise Maddox, President of Council. Roll call was done by Pat Brummett, Clerk of Council/City Clerk with Daisy Cole absent.

Alice Danclar asked for more information about the LGAP Grant. The 2019-20 grant which is in the amount of $35,000 will be used for renovations to City Hall. Several fascia boards are decayed and need to be replaced. This needs attention to stop further damage to the building. The building will also receive a new paint job and the landscape will be refreshed.

A resolution was adopted authorizing Mayor Riley Smith to sign documents pertaining to the 2019-20 LGAP grant. Ronda Jacobs made a motion to adopt the resolution and Judy Landry seconded the motion. The motion passed.

The action regarding the proposed renovations to the DeQuincy Railroad Museum Park was discussed. The playground equipment needs to be replaced and Special Needs Children equipment needs to be installed. The city has received a donation of $90,000 plus to spear head this project.

The council voted to do Phase 1 which consists of purchasing the new equipment for the park. If equipment is purchased before Dec. 31, the City would save approximately $6,500. A committee will be formed consisting of Mark Peloquin, Mayor Smith and Vice President of Museum Board/Lynne Treme to discuss said project and get the project in motion.
