Ward Six Fire Dept. audit taking place

Ward Six Fire Protection District No. One was audited this week for their five-year fire department rating.

To prepare for the audit, Ward Six Firefighters set up several scenarios over several days, using three different trucks with only three people working the scenario each time. They had to complete each scenario in less than five minutes from “go” until water was flowing at 250 gpm from the deck gun on top of the trucks. At least one scenario was completed in 2:57.

The audit results will determine every home and business owner’s fire insurance rates in our fire district for the next five years.

Process Explained

National Fire Protection Association estimates there were approximately 1,160,450 firefighters in the United States in 2015. Of the total number of firefighters 345,600 (30%) were career firefighters and 814,850 (70%) were volunteer firefighters.

To read the rest of this story, please see page four of the print edition of The DeQuincy News.
