By Evalin Hester
The DeQuincy City Council met in regular session on Monday, Sept. 9, in the City Hall Council Chambers at 300 Holly St.
The following members were present: Judy Landry, Daisy Cole, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin and Ronda Jacobs. None were absent.
Council Chairman Denise Maddox called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. The Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were given by Mayor Riley Smith and Mark Peloquin.
Reports Given
Valecia Royer gave the finance report and it was approved by the Council. Fire Chief Johnny Copeland reported seven call outs for the fire department for the month of August. Police Chief Casey Whitehead reported 249 complaints, 302 violations, 64 arrests, 168 warnings given, 30 warrants served, fines and bonds collected were $32,426. The calls for service are listed here by district: District #1, 64; District #2, 41; District #3, 54; District #4, 59; Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office: 30, Beauregard Police Sheriff’s Office: 1.
Public Works
Eddy Dalhquist reported that work is getting done and the work orders are working out great. Two gas leaks were repaired. Seven culverts were installed. Dalhquist reported the bridge on Anise St. will be out while work is being done.
Three political candidates addressed the Council. Wendy Aguillard is seeking re-election as Calcasieu Parish Tax Assessor, Renee Hoffpauir Klann, candidacy for LA State Senate District #10, and Tony O’Banion, candidacy for Police Jury District #11.
City Reports
Mayor Smith reported all is good, with not a lot of complaints so far this month. He would like everyone to remember the 9/11 community event that will be held at Bro. Jackson’s church. The public is invited.
A public hearing was held to adopt an ordinance amending the FYE Sept. 30, 2019 budget. The ordinance was approved.
A public hearing was held on an ordinance to amend Section 3-28 of Article 1 of Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of DeQuincy concerning Alcoholic Beverage Permits for restaurants and to provide for related matters. Ordinance was amended.
The Council amended a motion to proceed to the next step concerning the property, located at 1101 Richard Allen St. The property is 100% damaged and no one is living at said property.
Council Comments
Cole thanked city workers for all of their hard work. Jacobs also expressed her thanks to the city inmates for making the George Thompson Ball Park look great.
Chief Whitehead reported that a Fall Fest is being organized at the walking path to be held on Thursday, Oct. 31.