Calcasieu Parish Registrar of Voters Angie Quienalty has submitted her resignation/retirement, effective Saturday, Mar. 23, to the Louisiana Secretary of State’s Office.
“Angie Quienalty has been an excellent Registrar. She took the office to new levels and she’s certainly someone we are going to miss,” said Bryan C. Beam, Parish Administrator.
In accordance with Louisiana Revised Statute 18:51, Kim Fontenot, Chief Deputy at the Registrar of Voters, will serve as the interim registrar. The Calcasieu Parish Police Jury, which is responsible for appointing a new Registrar of Voters, began the search process on Friday, Mar. 22.
While the Police Jury appoints the Registrar of Voters, it has no legal authority regarding oversight, discipline, or setting office policies for the Registrar of Voters.
Quienalty has held the Registrar of Voters position since May of 1995. The position is a lifetime appointment.