Jan. 21 snowfall makes top five snow event
DeQuincy and surrounding areas became a winter wonderland during the snow blizzard of 2025. Tuesday, Jan. 21, became the third record snowfall for this area. [Read More]
DeQuincy and surrounding areas became a winter wonderland during the snow blizzard of 2025. Tuesday, Jan. 21, became the third record snowfall for this area. [Read More]
(DeQuincy News, Feb. 18, 1960) It is next to immpossible to measure the depth of a snow due to the various conditions existing from place [Read More]
Starks High Ben Crisp is the Starks High School’s Student of the Year. Although he is very busy with academics, he is an active member [Read More]
The 3rd Annual Squirrel Hunt and Wild Game Cookoff sponsored by the DeQuincy Masonic Lodge #279 is set for Saturday, Feb. 22, from 8 a.m. [Read More]
Tax filers will have assistance this year at several free programs at the Calcasieu Parish Public Library. VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) will provide free [Read More]
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