By Evalin Hester
Eddy Dahlquist called the DeQuincy City Council meeting to order on Monday, Jan. 13, at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers inside City Hall. Invocation and Pledge were lead by Mayor Riley Smith and Scott Wylie. After much discussion on the Public Hearing to adopt Ordinance #985 to adjust sewer rates as suggested by a rate study; it passed with four voting yes and one voting no.
City Reports-Mayor Riley Smith
All the Christmas activities in town were well attended. Mayor Smith said during the past week with the weather being cold, there were no issues with the natural gas. Be prepared for next week’s weather, it is supposed to be cold. On Saturday, Feb. 22, DeQuincy Masonic Lodge #279 will do their annual Squirrel Hunt. Come out and enjoy the activities. You don’t have to be a hunter to enjoy the Squirrel Hunt.
The regular meeting minutes for Dec. 9, 2024 and the Jan. 13, 2025 agenda were approved by the council. Two resolutions were adopted: One resolution adopted authorized Mayor Smith to act on behalf of the City of DeQuincy to consider and take appropriate action to allow Meyer, Meyers, Lacroix and Hixson as consultants for Water Sector Program. The second resolution adopted authorized Mayor Smith to sign documents pertaining to the 2023/2024 LGAP grant.
Several properties located around town were discussed concerning the condemnation process:
Properties located at 202 Jackson St. and 206 S. Holly St. were postponed until the city hears back from the owners of said property. Each location has been sent certified letters and the city is waiting for a response. 111 W. Center St. – the owner is dealing with their insurance claim but at this time nothing has been done to improve the property. Council voted to give them more time. 807 N. Division St. – this property is a danger. The city has been in touch with the family. Edgewood St. property – the city voted to continue with the condemnation process. 404 Velmer St.- A certified letter has been sent out to owner but have not heard anything from owner. City will wait until they either hear from owner or certified letter is returned. 307 Washington St. – Owner couldn’t give a time frame, it has been a long process but family has started taking the building down. 116 Brantley St. – has been sold at a Sheriff’s tax sale, the new owner will be notified. 1001 Allen St. – nothing has been done to improve the property. City received notice that owner has passed. Final step will start of condemnation process.
Ordinance and public hearing to update the culvert procedures has been tabled until Feb. 10, 2025.
Liquor permit application for Circle K #2740383 has been approved.
Council adjourn.