By Evalin Hester
The monthly DeQuincy City Council meeting was called to order by Eddy Dahlquist, Council President at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 14. Invocation and pledge were led by Mayor Riley Smith and Scott Wylie. Roll call was done by Sherrie Breaux.
Mayor Smith gave a report of activities around town. The city received an outstanding audit and he thanked his employees for a great job. The Fly In and Drive In was a great success. The Trash Bash was held Saturday, Oct. 12, and it was great. The Fall Fest will be held Thursday, Oct. 31, at the walking path from 5 unitl 7 p.m. Special needs children will be able to attend from 4:30 until 5 p.m. Smith also said that Nichols would be celebrating their 110th anniversary on Nov. 1-2 with several events planned. Our town is blessed to have such a nice family-owned business for our shopping needs.
Kyle Rainwater thanked everyone for making the Fly In and Drive In a success. He thanked Hank Frazier and his crew for all their work in making this event a success.
There were seven public hearings held and seven ordinances adopted.
They are as follows:
Ordinance #971, Ordinance #972, Ordinance #973, Ordinance #974, Ordinace #975 Ordinance #887 and Ordinance #604.
Susan Craig applied for a variance to allow her to replace the mobile home on her property at 107 West Center St.. She will be moving the trailer out and replacing it with her new doublewide. It will be tied down and skirted. The Council approved.
Mayor Smith was authorized to sign any documents necessary to approve the appointment of Amber Landry to serve as new resident board member for the Commissioner of the Housing Authority for a term expiring October 2026.
A resolution was adopted authorizing Mayor Smith to accept the DeQuincy Industrial Airpark’s Capital Improvement Plan for 2025-28.
On the Structure located at 313 Green St., council voted to proceed to the next step in the condemnation process. The home owner has been notified and they say they do not have the funds to clean up said property. The city will proceed with the process. 301 Hall St. has been postponed until further notice. The structure on 116 Brantley St., many letters have been sent and a sign has been posted in the yard. No response from family. The City will proceed with the condemnation and demolition of the structure.
The meeting was adjourned.