By Major Jerry Bell, Chief of Detectives
During the week of Sept. 16-20, the DeQuincy Police Dept. Detectives solved several burglaries.
Warrants were issued for two individuals: one has been arrested and taken to the Calcasieu Correctional Center. The other will soon be arrested as there is a Calcasieu Parish warrant out for him and he is on NCIC. Several thousand dollars of stolen property was recovered and will be returned to its rightful owner.
Shown here is a stolen four-wheeler recovered from behind a residence on Center St. The four-wheeler was stolen out of the West Park area and stripped to disguise it. Chief of Detectives Jerry Bell worked on the cases and was assisted by Chief Annajo Haynes and several patrol officers, Doyle, and Wellman, who helped recover the items and arrest a subject involved. The DQPD still works burglaries and thefts so if you decide to steal in the city limits, be prepared to go to jail.