South Perkins St. fire still under investigation

By Major Jerry Bell, DeQuincy Police Public Affairs Officer

Around 8:35 p.m., Saturday, July 20, the DeQuincy Police Dept dispatcher began receiving calls of a fire on South Perkins St. The DQFD and Ward Six Firetrucks responded to the scene.

Upon arrival they found that the entire residence was consumed by fire and the battle was to save nearby homes. Cleco was on the scene turning the electricity off, DeQuincy Gas workers were there turning the gas off. It took over an hour to contain the fire. Apparently, the residence was empty; a search of the burnt-out house did not reveal anyone being in it.

Acadian Ambulance personnel were on the scene in case needed. All the firemen, city workers, police, medical, and CLECO worked together and are to be commended for saving the surrounding homes. The State Fire Marshal’s Office was contacted to conduct their investigation to help determine the cause of the investigation.
