By Jeffra Wise DeViney
DeQuincy Chamber of Commerce has been quite busy during the June/July meetings.
It was announced that scholarships were awarded in the amount of $500 to each of the following DeQuincy High School Graduates: Hadlee Mazilly, Brinlee Buxton, Kamryn Mitchell and Jayden Declouette.
Five members were chosen for a Planning & Development Committee to meet once a month prior to each monthly meeting. They are Heather Royer, Jimmy Henagan, Margaret Brown, Geraldine Steadham and Angie Franks.
A new Chamber logo was designed and approved by the Board.
President Jay DeLouche and DHS Principal Zach Jones are collaborating to have a student “shadow” program with local participating businesses to be announced at a later date.
Heather Royer was voted in as Chamber Secretary to serve with existing officers Jay DeLouche, President, Kim Rainwater, Vice President and Sherri Breaux, Treasurer.
The Chamber will co-sponsor Senior Bingo at the Oak Street Rec. Center on Thursday, Aug. 15, at 10 a.m. Members are asked to donate bingo prizes; drop off at the Rec. Center that day before 10 a.m. or bring to the August meeting.
A “Remind” Notification has been set up for alerts for meetings/events. To sign up, text 81010 and text @dqcha. Anyone needing help call 337-317-8010.
A calendar of upcoming events is currently being worked on for Fall events.
The next meeting will be held at Heritage Place Hotel & Suites meeting room on Thursday, Aug. 8 at noon. The meal will be hosted by the DeQuincy Masonic Lodge #279.
The DeQuincy Chamber of Commerce is running a mid-year prorated membership special. Join now for half price. We look forward to seeing our new members featured in the Who’s Who Edition of the DeQuincy News. Watch for introductions on their Facebook page as well.