MONDAY MAY 13, 2024
AT 5:30 P.M.
300 N. HOLLY ST.,
Approval of the April 8, 2024 regular meeting minutes.
Finance, Fire, Police, Code Enforcement, Public Works, Sewer, and City Reports.
Approval of the May 13, 2024 agenda.
Public Input.
Not on Agenda:
On Agenda:
Authorize Mayor Smith to act on behalf of the City of DeQuincy to renew the maintenance agreement with DOTD for mowing and litter pickup for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024.
Introduction of an ordinance and set a public hearing for June 10, 2024 regarding the abandonment of an alleyway in Wasey Subdivision.
Introduce Ordinance and set a public hearing for June 10, 2024, amending the Noise Ordinance.
Introduce an Ordinance and set a public hearing for June 10, 2024 amending the FYE 9/30/23 Budget.
Introce an Ordinance and set a public hearing for June 10, 2024 to purchase property on William Still Road.
Trina and Cyrus Pullard, Sr to address the council regarding a variance to put a small home on their property at 222 Jackson Street that does not meet the size requirements, and also more than one dwelling on the property, in the City Ordinance.
Authorize Mayor Smith to accept the highest bid received on the following surplus vehicles/equipment: If no bid received, allow Mayor Smith to send vehicles/equipment to auction to sell or authorize to sell for junk:
2013 LS Tractor P7010C 2017 Dodge Dur 8793
2008 Ford Truck 8984 2016 Ford 6404
2012 Dodge Truck 9093 2017 Ford 1612
2001 GMC Truck 1145 2008 GMC Acadian 0642
Zero Turn Bobcat mower 0844
Proceed to the next step of the condemnation process, which is to set a public hearing for June 10, 2024, on the structure located at 207 Jackson Street.
Proceed to the next step of the condemnation process, which is to set a public hearing for June 10, 2024, on the structure located at 205 Jackson Street.
Proceed to the next step of the condemnation process, which is to set a public hearing for June 10, 2024, on the structure located at 103 Grand Ave.
Proceed to the next step of the condemnation process, which is to set a public hearing for June 10, 2024, on the structure located at 103 Edgewood Street.
Proceed to the next step of the condemnation process, which is to set a public hearing for June 10, 2024, on the structure located at 107 Edgewood Street.
Proceed to the next step of the condemnation process, which is to set a public hearing for June 10, 2024, on the structure located at 1114 Truth Street.
Sherri Breaux,
City Council Clerk
300 N. Holly Street
DeQuincy, Louisiana 70633 (337)786-8241
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Sherri Breaux, City Clerk, (337) 786-8241, describing the assistance that is necessary.
Notice of public meeting posted on May 6, 2024, at the DeQuincy City Hall.
Notice published in official journal May 8, 2024.
“Equal Opportunity Lender Provider and Employer”
Run Date: 05/08/2024 (My-1)