Starks, Louisiana
December 20, 2023
The Board of Commissioners, governing authority of Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, met in regular public session at 6:30 o’clock p.m. on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, at 145 Old River Road, Starks, Louisiana, pursuant to the provisions of written notice given to each and every member thereof and duly posted in the manner required by law.
President, Cynthia Poluk, called the meeting to order and on roll call, the following members were present: Cynthia Poluk, Gary Bussell, Catherine Barks
ABSENT: Anthony O’Banion, Brian LeDoux
The meeting was called to order and the roll called with the above results.
The President of the Board stated that the purpose of the meeting was for canvassing and tabulating the returns of an election held in Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana (the “District”) on November 18, 2023, on the question of the levy and collection of a special tax for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining or operating fire protection facilities including equipment and fire protection apparatus and accessories and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes, including charges for fire hydrant rentals, payment of a per diem to firemen for training and attending fires, reimbursement of expenses and paying for services within the District, and thereupon presented the following proces verbal, which was adopted by the following vote:
BE IT KNOWN AND REMEMBERED that on this 20th day of December, 2023, at 6:30 o’clock p.m., in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Commissioners (the “Board”), governing authority of Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, adopted on June 21, 2023, and recorded in the records of said Board, notice of which meeting was issued and published according to law, the undersigned members of the Board, being a quorum thereof, met at the regular meeting place of the Board, and according to law examined the tabulation blanks, certificates and statements which were received from the Commissioners and Commissioners-in-Charge of the election held in Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, on November 18, 2023, in accordance with said resolution, together with the transcription of the totals made by the Clerk of Court and Ex-Officio Parish Custodian of Voting Machines in and for Calcasieu Parish to determine the following proposition:
Shall Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One, of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, be authorized to renew, levy and collect a special tax of six (6.00) mills on all property subject to taxation in said District for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the tax collection for the year 2025, with collections from the levy of the tax estimated to be $270,024 for one entire year, for the purposes of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating fire protection facilities including equipment and fire protection apparatus and accessories and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes, including charges for fire hydrant rentals, payment of a per diem to firemen for training and attending fires, reimbursement of expenses and paying for services for said District?
The results of said election on the Proposition (the “Proposition”) proved to be as follows:
560; 34; 15
561 (part); 40; 10
562 (part); 16; 8
661 (part); 0; 0
Early Voting: 25; 6
TOTALS: 115; 39
We therefore ascertained that the majority of qualified electors of Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One, of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, qualified to vote under the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana voting in said election in the District voted in favor of the Proposition.
At the same time and place, we did examine and canvass the returns as evidenced by said tabulation blanks, certificates, and statements received from the election Commissioners and Commissioners-in-Charge, the correctness of which were sworn to by the election Commissioners-in-Charge and Commissioners according to law, and our finding was that the returns indicated a majority voted in favor of the Proposition.
Therefore, we declare that the result of said election is in favor of the Proposition as stated above.
In accordance with law, a resolution promulgating the aforesaid results was adopted, and the Secretary of the Board was ordered to have a copy of said resolution signed by the President and published in one issue of the DeQuincy News, a newspaper published in Calcasieu Parish and of general circulation in said Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One, of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.
In accordance with the provisions of R.S. 18:1293, a copy of the Notice of Election is attached hereto as Exhibit A. An affidavit showing proof of publication of said notice is attached hereto as Exhibit B. We did, likewise, order that one copy of this proces verbal be sent to the Secretary of State to be recorded in the archives of the State of Louisiana, and that one copy be sent to the Clerk of the District Court of Calcasieu Parish to be recorded in the mortgage records of said Parish and that one copy be filed in the archives of this Board.
Statement of actual cost: The actual cost of the election as determined by the Secretary of State based upon the provisions of Chapter 8-A of Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, is $231.34.
THUS DONE AND SIGNED in the presence of Kristen Simon and Raymond Dean, competent witnesses and qualified voters of Calcasieu Parish on this 20th day of December, 2023, at a public meeting of the Board in Starks, Louisiana, by the undersigned members of said Board present and participating in the canvass of said election.
/s/ Kristen Simon
Printed Name: Kristen Simon /s/ Cynthia Poluk, President
Cynthia Poluk
/s/ Raymond Dean
Printed Name: Raymond Dean
/s/ Gary Bussel, Vice President
Gary Bussell
/s/ Catherine Barks,
Catherine Barks
_, Commissioner
Anthony O’Banion
_, Commissioner
Brian LeDoux
The following resolution was thereupon introduced, and pursuant to a motion made by Gary Bussell and seconded by Catherine Barks, was adopted by the following vote:
WHEREAS, on November 18, 2023, an election was held in Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, to determine the proposition hereinafter set out;
WHEREAS, the returns of said election were canvassed by the Board according to law and notice duly given as provided by law, and the result of said election was declared to be in favor of the proposition.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners, the governing authority of Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, as follows:
SECTION 1. An election was held in Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, on November 18, 2023, to determine the proposition hereinafter set out; that said election was duly and properly called by the Board by a resolution adopted on June 21, 2023, and recorded in the records of said Board, that notice of said election embracing all matters required by law to be contained therein was given by publication in the DeQuincy News, a newspaper published in Starks, Louisiana, and of general circulation in Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, August 23, August 30, September 6, and September 13, 2023, the first of said publications being not less than 45 days nor more than 90 days prior to the date set for said election; that this Board did in said resolution designate the polling places for said election and did provide for the use of voting machines in the conduct of said election; that election officials were duly selected; that each election official received the certificate of instruction of the use of the voting machines and his duties in connection therewith as required by law; that the State Custodian of Voting Machines and the Clerk of Court and Ex-Officio Parish Custodian of Voting Machines of Calcasieu Parish made available on the day of the election at the polling places designated for the conduct of said election the necessary voting machines and all necessary equipment and paraphernalia required by law in connection with the use of voting machines at elections; that the Registrar of Voters and the Clerk of Court of Calcasieu Parish furnished to the election Commissioners and Commissioners-in-Charge copies of the precinct registers for each precinct or ward entitled to vote at such polling places; that the Louisiana Secretary of State prepared and certified the ballot used in the voting machines as required by law; that the proposition voted on in said election and as they appeared in said voting machine were in due form provided by law and the resolution adopted by this Board on June 21, 2023, calling said special election; that the results of said election were written on a large sheet of paper at said polling places, which sheet of paper was signed by each of the election officials designated to conduct such election at said polling places and which sheet was thereupon posted in public view at the polling places in accordance with law; that only qualified electors under the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana voted at said election; that the officials who served at said election were duly and properly appointed; that the places of all absent election officials were properly filled in accordance with law; that before opening the polls all election officials were properly sworn in accordance with law; that the polls at the voting places were opened at 7:00 a.m. and remained open and until not later than 8:00 p.m.; that after the closing of the polls the votes for and against the proposition were properly counted and tallied and the necessary tabulation blanks, certificates and statements were made by the election officials in accordance with law and the voting machines delivered to the Clerk of Court and Ex-Officio Custodian of Voting Machines in and for Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, and a copy of the results of said election delivered to the Clerk of the District Court of Calcasieu Parish as required by Louisiana Revised Statutes 18:571; that on November 21, 2023, that being the third day after said election the Clerk of Court and Ex-Officio Custodian of Voting Machines, after breaking the seals and opening the voting machines used in said election did transcribe the totals for the proposition voted upon at said election; and that all things whatsoever required by law to be done in connection with the holding of said election were properly and duly performed in manner and form as required by the general election laws of the State of Louisiana.
SECTION 2. In said election the following proposition was approved by a majority of the electors qualified to vote and voting in said election in Io Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana:
Shall Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One, of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, be authorized to renew, levy and collect a special tax of six (6.00) mills on all property subject to taxation in said District for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the tax collection for the year 2025, with collections from the levy of the tax estimated to be $270,024 for one entire year, for the purposes of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating fire protection facilities including equipment and fire protection apparatus and accessories and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes, including charges for fire hydrant rentals, payment of a per diem to firemen for training and attending fires, reimbursement of expenses and paying for services for said District?
SECTION 3. The results of said election shall be promulgated by publication of this resolution of promulgation one time in the DeQuincy News, a newspaper published in Starks, Louisiana, the official journal of the Board and of general circulation in Ward Five Fire Protection District No. One of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 20th day of December, 2023.
(Other business not pertinent to the present excerpt may be found of record in the official minute book.)
Upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned.
Run: 02/07/2024 (F-1