
December 11,2023
DeQuincy, LA
THE CITY council of the city of DeQuincy met in regular session on the above date in the city hall council chambers located at 300 Holly Street, DeQuincy, Louisiana, with the following members present: Cameron Smith, Margaret Brown Eddy Dahlquist, Jim Smith, and Scott Wylie. Absent: None.
Council Member Eddy Dahlquist called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Vance Perkins gave the invocation, and Scott Wylie led the pledge of allegiance.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smtih to approve the November 13, 2023, regular meeting minutes. Without objection, the motion was carried.
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Jim Smith to approve the November 27, 2023, special meeting minutes. Without objection, the motion was carried.
The financial report was in the file. As of November 30, 2023, the overall total revenue, actual year to date is $1,017,748.99 with the FYE 9/30/2024 budget being $6,650,200.00 and a remaining budget of $5,632,451.01 The total expenses, as of November 2023, actual year-to-date total is $921,993.71 with the FYE 9/30/2024 budget total expenses being $9,162,520.00 and the remaining budget of $8,240,526.29. There were no questions or comments from the council.
Fire, Police, Code Enforcement, Public Works, and Sewer reports were in council files. There were no questions or comments from the council.
City Report
Many Christmas activities were successful and well attended.
Roof tiles on the Railroad Museum have been completed.
December 12, 2023 Holiday Train will be here.
Hank Frazier thanked his workers for all the work they had done, getting everything ready for all the activities.
A motion was made by Cameron Smith and seconded by Margaret Brown to approve the December 11, 2023 agenda. Without objection motion carried.
Public Input
Items not on the agenda:
David Brawner addressed the council about potholes on Amber Circle.
Shelly Glover addressed the council about concerns with neighbors’ dead trees and asked if the City could help do something with help with the dead tree issues.
Frank Jones asked about what was going on at the old Exxon Station.
Vance Perkins thanked the City for the new roof, decoration, and the new paint on the museum.
Items on the agenda:
Vance Perkins had questions about the electronic devices in the courtrooms.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Scott Wylie to approve the 2024 liquor permits. LA Rumba and Family Dollar/Dollar General have not sent the application in. The council did approve that if they turned in the application before the deadline of December 31, 2023, the City clerk could issue the 2024 license. All approved
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Cameron Smith to proceed to the final step of
condemnation of the structure located at 304 E. Harrison Street. All approved.
A public hearing was held on the structure at 120 Maple Street. No public input, and the hearing was closed.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Margaret Brown to authorize Mayor Smith to sign any documents necessary to approve the appointment of Tamara D. Scott to serve as Resident Commissioner of the Housing Authority for a term of 3 years. All approved.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smith to adopt a policy to ban electronic devices in courtrooms. All approved.
A public hearing was held on Ordinance # 887, amending Section 5-13 and adding 5-18 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of DeQuincy- Permits and Fees, Ordinance # 924 amending Article IV Section 10-57 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of DeQuincy- Weeds and Offensive Accumulations and Ordinance # 925, amending Section 10-75 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of DeQuincy-Civil penalties No public input, hearing was closed.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and seconded by Scott Wylie to adopt Ordinance # 887, amending Section 5-13 and adding 5-18 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of DeQuincy- Permits and Fees. All approved
A motion was made by Margaret Brown and seconded by Cameron Smith to adopt Ordinance # 924 amending Article IV Section 10-57 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of DeQuincy- Weeds and Offensive Accumulations. All approved
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smtih to adopt Ordinance # 925, amending Section 10-75 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of DeQuincy-Civil penalties. All approved.
A motion was made by Scott Wylie and seconded by Jim Smith to nominate Eddy Dahlquist as council chairman. All approved.
A motion was made by Cameron Smith and seconded by Jim Smith to nominate Margaret Brown as council vice-chairman. All approved.
There being no further business, Scott Wylie made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Jim Smith and carried.
/s/Sherri Breaux
City Council Clerk
/s/Riley Smith
/s/Eddy Dahlquist
Run: December 20,2023 (D-8)
