Old Tyme Garden Center LLC

Pictured are: Schuyler and Jodi Gore, Owners & Operators

Old Tyme Garden Center LLC opened July 1, 2023 as a family owned and operated nursery and garden center. The nursery, located at 502 W. Fourth St., is owned by Schuyler and Jodi Gore of DeQuincy. Schuyler and Jodi have lived all of their lives in the DeQuincy area and have two sons, Caleb and Jacob. Caleb is a recent graduate of McNeese State University with a Bachelor’s degree of Science in General Agriculture. Jacob is currently enrolled at McNeese State University pursuing a degree in Agribusiness. For several years the Gore family has brought you locally-grown produce from Gore Family Farms to the local farmer’s market events. We hope to continue farming traditions, along with working in the community in sharing ideas for growing backyard produce at home. Our nursery plan is to not only stock new and difficult-to-find landscaping plants, but also a full-service garden center supplying soil, fertilizer, seeds, mulch, planting, and tilling equipment, and many plant care items. Along with garden center merchandise, we want to bring in educational activities and classes at no cost to help build home gardening knowledge and techniques.

The nursery has been a vision for our family for over 10 years, and we are thankful for the opportunity to work with such a great community. Schuyler is a licensed landscape horticulturist with the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry and is also a certified landscape/nursery professional with the Louisiana Nursery & Landscape Association. Schuyler and Jodi have attended multiple workshops and conferences in building their horticulture experience. We plan to continue our growth in continuing education activities in order to bring new and innovative ideas to the DeQuincy community. We are planning a grand opening for the nursery in the upcoming fall season to kick off seasonal activities and showcase our fall inventory. Follow us on Facebook at Old Tyme Garden Center LLC for our updates on progress. We look forward to visiting and speaking with each of you in this exciting new arrival to DeQuincy!

502 W. Fourth St. • 337-485-5572 • DeQuincy
