JULY 18, 2023
THE BOARD of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of DeQuincy, La. met in regular session on July 18, 2023 for the following purpose:
Chairman Jerry McCaig called the meeting to order and upon roll call, those present and absent were as follows:
Present: Jerry McCaig, Lynne Treme, Tracey Brown, Shirley Bagwell, Brenda Vige
Absent: Darlene Hooker, Carmen Iley
A quorum present, the following business was transacted. The minutes from June 13, 2023 were reviewed. Tracey Brown made a motion to approve the minutes and Lynne Treme seconded. Motion carried.
An update on Rostan was given by Jerry McCaig.
A quote was received from Barber Construction to install a new bathtub, surrounding wall tile, new faucets/showerhead and replace damaged drywall in kitchen and bathroom at unit 129 Acme Dr. in the amount of $4210.00. Lynne Treme made a motion to accept the quote from Barber Construction to replace the bathtub, faucets, surrounding wall tile and drywall in the bathroom. Tracey Brown seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried. Res # 999
The budget for CFP’23 Annual Plan and 5 Year Plan was presented and discussed. Lynne Treme made a motion to accept the budget as presented and Tracey Brown seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried. Res # 1000
Information and a quote were presented for bathtub rehab as needed. The rehab will include removing the existing bathtub and installing a walk-in shower or new bathtub with surrounding wall tile and new bathtub/shower faucets. Tracey Brown made a motion to approve the quote for the bathtub/shower rehab as needed and Lynne Treme seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried. Res # 1001
The vacancy report was presented by Brenda Vige.
There being no further business to come before the board, the Chairman thereupon declared the meeting adjourned.
/s/ Jerry McCaig
/s/ Shirley Bagwell
Run: Aug. 30, 2023 (Au-9)