Calcasieu Parish Assessor, Wendy Curphy Aguillard, would like to make Disabled Veterans aware of this program put into law for 2023 to provide an additional homestead exemption.
You must be a disabled Veteran with a 50% or more service-connected disability rating to apply.
50%-69% Disability Rating = Additional $2500 Exemption
70%-99% Disability Rating = Additional $4500 Exemption
100% Disability Rating = Total Exemption From Parish property taxes
Applicants must bring proof of disability form A-25 from the Department of Veteran Affairs.
For more information on the qualifications to file and the documentation needed, please call the Calcasieu Parish Assessor’s Office at 337-721-3000.
May be applied for during regular office hours 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Lake Charles Office, 1011 Lakeshore Dr., #101, Lake Charles.