By Louis D. Whatley
DeQuincy Beautification’s “The Azalea Project“ committee and volunteers, including DeQuincy High School’s Agricultural Class planted their 2nd public project for the continuation of beautifying the City of DeQuincy with revitalization and landscaping the “Triangle” on Tuesday, Mar. 14.
Native plants included white gumpo and red Formosa azaleas, Red Camellias, Day Lillies and white Natches Crape Myrtles planted as a backdrop to the sign, along with a front facing flower bed where seasonal flowers can be interchanged per the season of the year. Presently showcased in the front seasonal bed to welcome Railroad Festival visitors are colorful Petunias.
DeQuincy Beautification Group’s “The Azalea Project” is a group of citizens who volunteer their time and use all monetary donations from you, the public, to refurbish, upkeep and landscape public spaces. You may donate to DeQuincy Beautification Project at B1 Bank.
Overall, The DeQuincy’s Beautification Group mission is committed to keeping DeQuincy beautiful with various public projects.
In addition, the Azalea Project donated four more azaleas to the Railroad Museum for next year’s color
We are encouraging all businesses and residents to plant azaleas and native plants/shrubs and trees, particularly along Highways 12 and 27.
If you want to become a part of The DeQuincy Beautification Group, and/or have ideas for the beautification of DeQuincy, please reach out to Louis D. Whatley at 214-957-6866. The next project for The Azaleas Project is slated for October where the Class of 1959 have approved plans for an azalea planting area at the Walking Path.