Council meets for first meeting of year

By Evalin Hester

The DeQuincy City Council meeting opened in a new year and with a new council on Monday, Jan. 9. The council was called to order by Eddy Dahlquist. Invocation was led by Mayor Riley Smith and pledge was said by the congregation. The council voted to have Dahlquist serve as President and Margaret Skinner Brown as Vice President.

Mayor Smith appointed Roy Williams as Chief of Police and Pat Brummett as Clerk of Council, Hank Frazier as head of Public Works and Johnny Copeland as Fire Chief.

Liquor applications were approved for Daiquiris & Deaux and Dollar General Store. All paperwork was turned in and completed.

Joseph DeMary addressed the council regarding a variance to allow him to purchase a mobile home smaller than the 924 square feet that the ordinance presently requires. The council voted in favor of DeMary to purchase a mobile home.

Cassandra Williams address the council concerning the structure located at 1103 Richard Allen St. Williams was given three months to work on getting the sucession of the property in their names and tearing the property down themselves. The council voted for the owners to place plywood over the windows and doors and secure with locks. In three months the council will revisit this location.

The following ordinances were introduced:

An ordinance was adopted amending the general zoning ordinance to set out a minimum lot size for city lots, a minimum dwelling size and number of dwellings allowed per lot.

An ordinance was introduced and a public hearing for Feb. 13, changing the time of city council meetings from 6 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Vance Perkins asked what was the driving request for the change of the time of council meeting. Mayor Smith said, the public inquired about the time change and they would like for the time to be changed. The ordinance passed.

Introduced was an ordinance and set a public hearing for Feb. 13, setting the fees for the public records request. Brummett explained in depth the reason for a fee increase.
