By Lillian Karr
On Wednesday, July 20, the DeQuincy Chamber of Commerce had visitors representing the Department of Transporation and Development. DOTD personnel attending were Ben Boudreaux, Jared Chaumont, Andre Ange and Karlee Nunez.
Chamber President Jerry Bell and Manager Lillian Karr presented DOTD with the petitions that were recently signed by DeQuincy residents. Over 1,000 signatures were presented to them.
Mr. Boudreaux informed us that a study is in process. A few of the items discussed were turning lanes and they do realize the necessity for these. They have also read every accident report that happened in the last 10 years.
DOTD is aware of the need for improvement on Hwy. 27 between DeQuincy and Sulphur. They informed us that project plans are close to completition.
A report has been sent to the DOTD Area Engineer. DOTD will keep us informed of the progress.