On Saturday, July 23, LAPAW Rescue will be trapping and neutering over 50 community cats in DeQuincy. These cats were once someone’s pets that were turned loose unspayed and did what cats are great at – multiplying. Kittens are able to reproduce at 4 months old. LAPAW was called to help get the community cats under control.
Wildcat Foundation/SpayNation in Lafayette will bring their complete surgical rig. Alley Cat Allies and the Humane Society of Louisiana donated new traps for this event. LAPAW will TNR which means trap, spay/neuter, tip left ear, administer rabies shot and return most to their established colony. Kittens will be fixed, kept, tamed and hopefully adopted out.
LAPAW works only by donations. Theye are a non-profit with a 501C3 status.
The total cost of this spay/neuter event is $3,250. Donations are needed and will be accepted. Financial support may be handled three ways – LAPAW Rescue PayPal Swla.tnr@gmail.com; Venmo @Dana-Frye-6; and Cash App Dana Frye $LAPAW 20003lph
Donations go toward spaying/neutering 50 community cats; each cat must have rabies vaccination; kittens need feline leukemia and AIDS test; kittens will get their vaccinations in order to be adopted; and gas to run two generators about 10 hours for surgery rig.
LAPAW will be out during the evening on Friday, July 21, trapping strays for the procedure. Do not feed town strays that night.
For more information, contact Dana Frye, Director, LAPAW Rescue, at 337-215-0025.