Qualifying dates July 20-22

Qualifying has been set for the Tuesday, Nov. 8, Open Congressional Primary Election.

Offices on the ballot include:

Statewide: U.S. Senator; U. S. Representative District 3; Court of Appeal Judge* Districts 3, 2, 2B; Public Service Commissioner* District 4

By Parish: Beauregard Parish School Board Members (All Districts); Calcasieu Parish School Board Members (All Districts)

Local: DeQuincy: Mayor, Council Members

Other items on the ballot include:

Renewal supporting the Calcasieu Parish Health Unit

Renewal supporting roads & drainage funds in Calcasieu Parish

Renewal supporting Juvenile Detention Center/Probation Office

Qualifying Info

Qualifying dates and times in Calcasieu Parish are Wednesday through Friday, July 20-22 from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily. Appointments must be made by contacting the election staff: Jean Ann East, jeast@calclerkofcourt.com, 337-437-3558 Ext 123; or Princella Ryan, pryan@calclerkofcourt.com, 337-437-3558 Ext 144. The address is 1000 Ryan St., Lake Charles.

​Qualifying dates and times in Beauregard Parish are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily. No appointment necessary. The address is 200 W. Second St., DeRidder; Phone: 337-463-8595.
