Busy night at City Council meeting

By Evalin Hester

Denise Maddox called the DeQuincy City Council Meeting to order on Monday, June 13, with Invocation and Prayer led by Mayor Riley Smith and Councilman Mark Peloquin.

The Council approved the following: May 10th, 19th, 25th special meeting minutes along with the approval of the June 13th agenda.

The DeQuincy News was appointed as the official journal for the City of DeQuincy.

Discussion was held to approve the proposed spending, out of the American Rescue Plan Funds for a new firetruck for the DeQuincy Fire Department and four plate readers for the DeQuincy Police Department. As of now the DeQuincy Fire Dept. is operating with one less truck. The plate readers will be of most importance too. It will help the police to monitor the coming and going of vehicles for human trafficking, silver alerts, stolen vehicles, kidnapping, etc. Our parks, museum, bathrooms at park will also be monitored for safety purposes. Both items above were approved by the City Council.

Mayor Smith was authorized on behalf of the City of DeQuincy to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the PRD&G Alumni Association to take over the Grand Avenue Gym Propert, for an extended amount of time. The Association will see what they can do to move forward like having activities for the children and make use of the property. Paperwork will be drawn up and signed and the Association can move forward.

The Council discussed a contract of Retainer with Stutes & Lavergne, LLC authorization to Mayor Smith to sign the Contract of Retainer.

A discussion was held and approval of the Amendment to extend the CEA between the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury and the City of DeQuincy. This is an agreement concerning Animal Control. All seems to be working fine.

The City has received several complaints concerning property at an abandoned trailer at 217 Kelly St. Owners have replied that they will cut and clean up yard and will have the demolition completed by the end of July. The Council will revisit this matter at the Aug. 8 meeting.


The following Ordinances were discussed and passed during the Council meeting:

Introduce Ordinance and set a Public Hearing for July 11, amending the FYE 9/30/21 budget and regarding the proposed budget of expenditures for the FYE 9/30/23.

Ordinance No. 874 regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages, packaged to take out only, at a retail business located at 702 W. Fourth St. which is located within 300 feet distance from a public school was discussed. After a lengthy discussion the council voted in favor. Council introduced and discussed amending Ordinance No. 874 to allow the selling of any alcoholic beverage directly to any person, 21 years or older, while in, on or otherwise occupying any automobile or other motor vehicle. The Council will hold a Public Hearing on the Ordinance at the July 11, Council Meeting.

There was a Public Hearing and adoption of an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 668D regarding policy procedures on pay scale for essential employees during a declared emergency. The amendment was adopted and passed.

City Reports

Mayor Smith said cameras are up and the Police can monitor the parking lots at City Hall and the Railroad Museum, the park and bathrooms. The Walking Path is moving to the next stage of improvements. The Library will be at the Railroad Museum a couple days a week and the Farmers Market will be Saturday, June 18, from 9 a.m. until 1p.m.

Street Department

During May potholes were patched in all districts after getting the backhoe back after being repaired.

The following report was given:

  • Had a meeting with FEMA on damage to lift stations.
  • Repaired gas leak at corner of Main and LeBlanc Sts.
  • Killed gas services on O.B. Pete Rd.
  • Installed new gas service at ball complex for Vyve.
  • Installed new gas service at 811 Hugh St.
  • Repaired gas leak on Rigmaiden Cemetery Rd.
  • New gas service was installed on Azalea St and repaired gas leak on Rose Park Rd.

Sewer Department

  • The following is a summary of work for the month:
  • Installed new sewer tap on Azalea St.
  • Dug up sewer tap on 4th St. at fireworks stand.
  • New sewer tap was installed on Overton and Hereford St. and sewer tap was repaired on N. Overton St.
  • Located sewer tap at 507 Beech St.
  • Cleaned sewer main running south in alley from Hereford St. to Gordon St.
  • A blockage was found in sewer main.
  • Completed Bio essay test at WasteWater Plant.

To read the rest of this story, please see page two of the print edition of The DeQuincy News.
