March 14, 2022
DeQuincy, LA
The city council of the city of DeQuincy met in regular session on the above date in the city hall council chambers located at 300 Holly Street, DeQuincy, Louisiana, with the following members present: Judy Landry, Margaret Brown, Denise Maddox, and Ronda Jacobs. Absent: Mark Peloquin.
Council Chairman Denise Maddox called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Smith gave the invocation and Margaret Brown led the pledge of allegiance.
Motion was made by Judy Landry and seconded by Ronda Jacobs to approve the February 14, 2022 regular meeting minutes. Without objection, the motion carried.
Valecia Royer read the financial report. As of February 28, 2022, the overall total revenue, actual year to date is $3,014,063.55 with the FYE 9/30/2022 budget being $4,521,710.00 and a remaining budget of $1,507,646.45. The total expenses, as of February 28, 2022, actual year to date totals are $2,278,522.57, with the FYE 9/30/2022 budget total expenses being $6,166,670.00, and the remaining budget of $3,888,147.43.
Chief Johnny Copeland gave the fire report. There were fourteen (14) calls for February 2022.
Police Chief Casey Whitehead gave the police report for February 2022. There were 254 violations, 24 arrests, and 202 complaints filed. The fines and bonds collected for the month of February totaled approximately $27,688.53. There were 58 calls for service in District 1, 21 in District 2, 50 in District 3 and 46 in District 4. The PD Officers patrolled approx. 6700 miles during the month of February 2022.
Mr. Carroll furnished the council with a copy of his report.
Hank Frazier gave the public works report for the street and gas department.Installed culverts on Live Oak Street and Azalea Street
Started digging ditches on West Park Loop Repaired pot holes, district to district Installed new gas services at Coconuts Restaurant and on Overton Street Killed gas service at 805 N. Division, 203 Third St., 314 Third St., JCE Center and East Street Repaired major gas leak on Center Street and another on Harrison Street
Hank Frazier gave the sewer report. Repaired manhole on Nancy Lane Killed out sewer service on 314 Third Street, and 206 Third Street (houses being torn down) Repaired sewer tap on Live OakRepaired about 30’ of sewer main over by the Sports Complex
DeQuincy Chamber Banquet was last Thursday and we again had a very good turnout. This Thursday the Southwest Alliance and the DeQuincy Chamber of Commerce is putting on a work shop for new businesses in the area. It will be held at the Heritage Inn and a large turnout is expected.
Mark Peloquin arrived at the City Council meeting at 6:07 p.m. A motion was made by Ronda Jacobs and seconded by Judy Landry to approve the March 14, 2022 agenda. Without objection, the motion carried.
Public Input
Items Not on the Agenda:
Gay Blagrave has seen a man feeding cats next door to her house on Harrison and asked why he is still allowed to do this. She was told to check with the neighbor to see if he had their permission. Erica Buxton gave a presentation to the council regarding Becky’s Blessing Box. They have decided on a location for the Blessing Box and had a visual presentation of what the box would look like. Vance Perkins talked to the council about the Railroad Museum roof and asked when repairs might start. It was explained to Mr. Perkins that FEMA reimbursement is a very slow process but the museum was a priority on our list for repairs. Because it is a historical building, the process unfortunately is quite a bit slower.
Items on the Agenda:
There was a public hearing regarding the abandonment of the alleyway in Hereford Addition No. 2. There were no public comments and the public hearing was closed.
A motion was made by Judy Landry and seconded by Margaret Brown to adopt an ordinance to abandon the alleyway in Hereford Addition No. 2. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Margaret Brown, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.
A motion was made by Mark Peloquin and seconded by Judy Landry to table action on the Tower Lease Amendment with Branch Communications until such time as a council member is able to talk with Branch Communications to get a better understanding of the Amendment. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Margaret Brown, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. A motion was made by Ronda Jacobs and seconded by Mark Peloquin to approve the bid from Spartan Tool, LLC for the purchase of a Spartan tool ultimate warrior tier IV diesel trailer jetter for our sewer department. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Margaret Brown, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. A motion was made by Judy Landry and seconded by Mark Peloquin to adopt a resolution approving the appointment of Mayor Riley Smith as Director and William Frazier as Alternate Director, for a term of four (4) years, to the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Municipal Natural Gas Purchasing and Distribution Authority. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Margaret Brown, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. A motion was made by Mark Peloquin and seconded by Ronda Jacobs to adopt a resolution informing the Louisiana DEQ that the city will continue maintaining our wastewater treatment plant and continue required analytical analysis in accordance with the current LDEQ permit, including monthly monitoring of influent CBOD. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Margaret Brown, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.
Ronda Jacobs had no council concerns. Mark Peloquin asked about a time line on the house on LeBlanc Street that is scheduled for demolition. He was told that hopefully it would be torn down within the month. Mr. Peloquin also asked about the pothole repair and whether or not anything else is needed from the council. Margaret Brown does not have any concerns at this time. She is working with our Code Enforcement Officer on some of the structures in her district. Judy Landry has no concerns at this time. Denise Maddox asked Mr. Frazier to look at the corner of Margaret Street to see what could be done about the deterioration of the street. She also mentioned she has had several people that want to send a message to the council and Mayor about all of the work being done within the city. There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Ronda Jacobs and seconded Judy Landry to adjourn the meeting.
/s/Pat Brummett
City Council Clerk
/s/Riley Smith
/s/Denise Maddox
RUN: April 13,2022ªA-2